Monday, September 9, 2019

Write the difintion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write the difintion - Essay Example It involves a close participation of diverse stakeholders who works as a team, hence simplification of the complex task. The team may encompass teachers, students, specialists from different subjects and syllabus coordinators. The team contributes to improvement of technical expertise and know how to achieve the curriculum goals and objectives. Primarily, it is a coherent and sustainable method of curriculum development. Formative evaluation takes place during the delivery of a certain course content. Teachers carry out a formative evaluation in order to determine how much students know and be able to modify the instructional methods. Formative evaluation highlights the aspects that need emphasis, as well as the weaknesses and the strengths of students. Furthermore, the curriculum formative evaluation does monitor and evaluate the deficiencies present in any current curriculum for the sake of future improvement. Summative evaluation occurs at the end of a course. Teachers use summative assessment in determining whether the course objectives have been achieved. They focus on the learning outcomes exhibited by students. Summative evaluation may be in the form of the final project or end of semester exams. The approach is also useful in curriculum development, via use of questionnaires, testing or observations to test the usefulness of the

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