Monday, September 30, 2019

Missile Defense Agency

The Missile Defense Agency is an organization known for it’s selectiveness in choosing candidates to work for them. Knowing this, I am submitting my resume in hopes of becoming a part of the MDA team at the Department of Defense. National security is an issue that every American must be concerned about in this era, and in my case I have prepared through my education and experience to become an employee of such an agency as this. The mission of the Missile Defense Agency is to develop, test, and prepare for deployment a missile defense system, and my experience in management and logistics has prepared me to work in a field such as this. I feel that my strength as an employee, my ability to problem solve and my abilities with strategic planning would make me a strong candidate to become a part of the Missile Defense Agency. The Missile Defense Agency plays an important role in the United States today. More than ever our country needs to be prepared for the unthinkable. Every day on the news there are many mentions of events happening around the world that renew my belief that a prepared Missile Defense Agency is essential to the national security of our country. To this end, I am dedicated to the mission of the MDA and the Department of Defense, not only because I am a citizen of this country and have a personal stock in the security of our nation, but because my own personal experience and education would lend a lot to the agency and my contributions would definitely be substantial. Furthermore, my daughter has recently enlisted in the United States Army, and I feel my personal connection with the importance of the security of this nation would make me an excellent candidate for the MDA Logistics position. My education has been the most formative experience of my life. My Bachelors of Science in Human Resource Management was obtained from Athens State University in Alabama. During my time at university I was able to learn a great deal about business, management, and how important it is to learn from every experience. Much of my education was not within the classroom, but outside of it, because I am a person that enjoys learning hands-on and obtaining new skill sets that will help me develop into a better person and employee. When I began to seek an institution to obtain my Masters degree I chose Florida Institute of Technology in Alabama because of the degree they offered in Management and Logistics Management. This degree has helped me to develop a strong aptitude for data analysis and a high attention to detail. Graduate college courses have exposed me to transportation security, transportation economics, strategic intermodel transportation, and much more to prepare me for a career in the logistics arena. Modes of instruction included correspondence courses, formal classes, developmental assignments, and independent studies. The courses I`ve taken in my major at Florida Institute of Technology have given me a broader understanding of logistics and distribution. The skill sets I’ve obtained as a student have prepared me to become a strong member of the Missile Defense Agency. The above training and experience will enable me to perform well at the Missile Defense Agency. Effective oral communication is critical to the mission of your organization, and I have this skill developed through years of education and career experience. Talent for ensuring proper staff direction at all times to maximize contribution of each individual including planning, directing, work assignments, and expediting problem resolution is one of my most valuable skills. The ability to analyze logistics support needs accurately and to establish and maintain satisfactory relationship with other employees is an important part of my prior work experiences, and I am adept at developing and maintaining detailed administrative and procedural processes that reduce redundancy, improve efficiency, and achieve organizational objectives. I performed the duties of logistics functions and principles by implementing a quarterly inventory control system, and my acute ability to transform organizational strategies into action and achievement with superior ability to lead performance-driven teams. I have also been able to demonstrate diverse skills by interacting with personnel from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. All in all, my skills and abilities have prepared me to become a successful and committed employee of the Missile Defense Agency and I look forward to joining your team. Â  

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Counseling Strategies Paper

Research indicates that the majority of individuals drinks less frequently and consume less alcohol when they do drink following alcoholism counseling, although short-term outcomes (e. g. 3 months) are more favorable than those from studies with at least a year follow-up. Positive outcomes yield benefits for alcoholics and their families, as well as leading to savings to society in terms of decreased costs for medical, social and criminal justice services.Reviews of counseling outcome for alcohol problems have developed from early efforts to summarize findings, to reports which derived outcome statistics, to more recent publications examining efficacy in controlled studies with data on cost effectiveness. Clearly, the literature suggests that a variety of approaches can be effective, some more than others because of the nature of the counseling and treatment and the intensity of the approach.The community reinforcement approach (CRA) attempts to increase clients’ access to pos itive activities and makes involvement in these activities contingent on abstinence. This approach combines many of the components of other behavioral approaches, including monitored disulfiram, behavior contracting, behavioral marital therapy, social skills training, motivational counseling and mood management. Some of the largest counseling effects in the literature have been associated with the community reinforcement approach (Miller et al. , 1995).Compared to more traditional treatment approaches, the CRA has been shown to be more successful in helping inpatient or outpatient alcoholics remain sober and employed. Although community reinforcement is a more intense treatment approach, it is consistent with the basic philosophy of several other effective approaches. The ability to establish rewarding relationships, to focus on changing the social environment so that positive reinforcement is available, and to reduce reinforcement for drinking are emphasized with the community rein forcement and other approaches.The key appears to be helping the client to find and become involved in activities that are more rewarding than drinking. To the degree that stress causes unpleasant physical sensations and associated dysphoric moods, it is a high-risk situation for excessive alcohol use. An important coping skill for clients to learn is how to use the physical and emotional signs of stress as cues to â€Å"stop, look and listen† and to try something to cope besides heavy drinking. Relaxation training is a fundamental coping skill in the repertoire of a person trying to avoid excessive drinking.It can help clients to reduce their anxiety and tension when facing stressful situations and minimize their typical levels of motor and psychological tension. Relaxation training can also assist a person to remain calm and to think clearly in circumstances that require effective problem solving and fast action. Many individuals believe in the tension-reducing properties o f alcohol, whether or not they are true, and, without an alternative means to relax, excessive drinking may be a person's only means of coping with painful sensations and unpleasant emotions.Relaxation training fosters general stress-reduction and can be taught to clients using various techniques that either reduce muscle tension, develop deep breathing skills or focus on the use of pleasant imagery (Monti et al. , 1989). In addition to relaxation training, both meditation and exercise have been shown to have similar stress reducing properties. Contingency management procedures assist clients to re-structure their environment to decrease the rewards associated with alcohol use and increase the costs of excessive drinking.The principles of contingency management are based on operant or instrumental learning approaches to human behavior. Contingency management techniques include providing incentives for compliance with alcohol treatment and positive reinforcement from spouses or frien ds for sobriety. This approach is combined with punishment, in the form of withdrawal of attention and approval contingent on the resumption of excessive drinking, and provisions for social support, recreational activities and vocational counseling.In recent years there has been a growing recognition of the importance of providing treatment for alcoholism that is tailored to patients' level of insight and motivation to work on their substance misuse. Rather than emphasizing direct confrontation of patients who deny problems related to their substance misuse, social pressure to acknowledge the evils of alcohol abuse and immediate endorsement of abstinence as a treatment priority, motivational approaches initially focus on relationship formation and harm reduction.While motivational strategies have gained some ascendance in the treatment of primary substance misuse, their importance has been even more rapidly accepted in work with individuals with comorbid disorders, whose psychiatric disorders are often inextricably tied to their use of alcohol and drugs. A useful overarching heuristic in work with all comorbid disorders is provided by the concept of stage wise counseling.The stages of counseling are based on the observation that people with an alcohol misuse problem who change their behavior over the course of treatment typically progress through a series of stages, and that each stage is characterized by different attitudes, behaviors and goals. By understanding a patient's current stage of counseling, counselor can optimize treatment so that it matches his/her current level of motivation, and avoid driving the person away from treatment by attempting interventions that are mismatched to his/her motivation.Four stages of counseling have been identified: engagement, persuasion, active treatment and relapse prevention (Mueser et al. , 2003). Efforts to change another person's behavior are doomed to failure if a therapeutic alliance has not first been establishe d. Therefore, at the engagement stage the primary goal of counseling is to establish a working alliance (or therapeutic relationship) between the patient and counselor. A working alliance can be operationally defined as regular contact (e. g. weekly) between the patient and counselor (McHugo et al. , 1995).Until this relationship is established, no efforts are directed at changing the substance misuse. A wide range of strategies exist for engaging the patient in treatment, including assertive outreach, resolving a crisis, attending to basic needs (e. g. medical, housing), and legal constraints (e. g. outpatient commitment). At the persuasion stage, the counselor has a working alliance with the patient, but the focus of the relationship is not on addressing the patient's substance misuse. Therefore, at this stage the patient is still actively misusing substances, or has only recently begun to cut down on substance use.The goal of this stage is to convince the patient that his/her sub stance misuse is an important problem, and to marshal motivation to begin working on that problem. Motivational interviewing (Miller & Rollnick, 2002) is one useful strategy for helping patients understand the negative impact of their substance use on their own personal goals. Persuasion groups (Mueser et al. , 2003), in which patients are provided with an opportunity to share their experiences with substance use with a minimum of direct confrontation or social censure, can help patients develop motivation to address their substance misuse.Commitment to work on substance misuse can be operationally defined as an actual reduction in substance misuse (McHugo et al. , 1995), or another change in behavior that is associated with a reduction in risk (e. g. ceasing intravenous administration of a drug). In many cases, the duration of these attempts may at first be inhibited by the self-control skills the patient can marshal: in these instances, re-engagement occurs in close conjunction wi th training in skills to deal with situations in which previous lapses occurred.Miller & Rollnick (2002) emphasize that commitment to change is a function of both motivation and self-efficacy or confidence in being able to change. As previously researchers like Bandura noted, past achievements are much more powerful influences on self-efficacy than verbal persuasion that is unrelated to past performance. The attention of patients is drawn to successful aspects of past control attempts, rather than to their ultimate failure to deal with the substance-related problems up to now.While a sense of self-efficacy tends to have limited generalization across performance domains, commitment to change may sometimes be aided by success in another domain, such as work-related skills that open up options for a viable substance-free life-style. Once the patient has begun to reduce his/her substance use, the motivation to work on substance misuse is harnessed, and the goal of treatment shifts to fu rther reduction of substance use or the maintenance of abstinence. Many of the strategies developed for people with a primary substance use disorder can be used with dually diagnosed patients once they reach the active treatment stage.Examples of interventions at this stage of counseling include cognitive-behavioral counseling to address â€Å"high-risk† situations, self-help groups, and social skills training to address substance use situations. Structured activities, such as work preparation or leisure pursuits that decrease opportunities for using substances and divert attention from substance use, can assist in development of substance control. In relapse prevention, the patient has achieved substance control for a substantial period (e. g. at least 6 months).The goals are to both guard against a relapse of substance misuse and to extend the gains made to other areas of functioning, such as social relationships, work and housing. Awareness of vulnerability to relapse can be achieved through continued participation in self-help groups, or individual or group work with substance misuse as a focus. The focus in the relapse prevention stage on other areas of functioning, such as relationships, leisure activities and work, reflects the belief that the better a patient's life is, the less vulnerable he/she will be to a relapse of substance misuse.References Miller, W. R. , Brown, J. M. , Simpson, T. L. , Handmaker, N. S. , Bien, T. H. , Luckie, L. F. , Montgomery, H. A. , Hester, R. K. & Tonigan, J. S. (1995). What works? A methodological analysis of the alcohol treatment outcome literature. In R. K. Hester & W. R. Miller (Eds), Handbook of Alcoholism Treatment Approaches: Effective Alternatives, 2nd edn (pp. 12–44). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Monti, P. M. , Abrams, D. B. , Kadden, R. M. & Conney, N. L. (1989). Treating Alcohol Dependence. New York: Guilford.Mueser, K. T. , Noordsy, D. L. , Drake, R. E. & Fox, L. (2003). Integrated Treat ment for Dual Disorders: A Guide to Effective Practice. New York: Guilford Publications Miller, W. & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change Addictive Behavior, 2nd Edition. New York: Guilford. McHugo, G. J. , Drake, R. E. , Burton, H. L. & Ackerson, T. H. (1995). A scale for assessing the stage of substance abuse treatment in persons with severe mental illness. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 183 (12), 762–767.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


BASF has managed to focus its efforts on non-cyclical products to broaden its market base and increase the company’s growth potential globally.   The diversification and innovative technologies used by BASF has enabled it to sustain a large market presence, particularly in the non-cyclical product areas such as vitamins, crop protection, petrochemicals and plastics and fibers. In the past, vitamin companies were involved in a scandal with price fixing.   The scandal resulted in a loss in the market for all natural vitamins and many pharmaceutical products.   When BASF took over American Cyanamid the companies were able to produce herbicides that were competitive in price and betterment of crops.   Using this new process enabled BASF to get a jump on the vitamin competitors because the company was offering modified crops that were resilient against plant diseases, mildew and other harmful environmental factors. With the higher yielding plants, BASF is able to derive natural and quality ingredients needed to produce the vitamins and other pharmaceutical products.   Global competitors such as Roche have been challenged and no longer can claim the majority of the market with BASF’s innovative technologies as the new competition. In addition to the takeover of Cyanamid, BASF also took over the vitamin business from Takeda.   With the takeover, BASF has managed to capture the markets in Europe, North American and Asia.   Plans are being integrated for BASF to eventually takeover the pharmaceutical division of Takeda.   With the proposed changes, BASF could potentially corner the market on pharmacy drugs to compliment its already strong market presence for the vitamin industry. With growth and innovative technologies, BASF has been able to increase its market value for the vitamins and pharmaceuticals while decreasing the operating costs for the products.   This change in growth instills an even stronger presence in the market place for BASF.   Many of the primary ingredients that go into vitamins and nutritional supplements are produced by BASF thus reducing cost and making the company yield higher volumes of the products. In addition to crop protection, pharmaceutical plans and vitamin mergers, BASF has also focused its attention on the sale of petrochemicals.   BASF merged as a very strong market force for its colorants and finished products used in the automotive industry.   In this division of BASF record sells were achieved and anticipated to only increase in the following months and years.  Ã‚  Ã‚   BASF colors are of lasting quality and used as the primary protective coating for car dealers.   In addition, petrochemicals created by BASF have been used as safe and environmental friendly cleaning agents. Complimenting the development of environmentally friendly and easily disposable petrochemicals, BASF has used its innovative technologies to capture a wide range of the plastics and fibers market.   Many of BASF plastic and fibers are used as household products as well as in major companies.   Many of the plastic and fiber products manufactured by BASF are used for safe and quality packaging materials.   BASF focuses its efforts on producing plastics and fibers that are cost efficient to use for packaging materials as well as biodegradable has given BASF a jump on the market competitors for this part of the global market. As BASF continues to expand its resources into producing innovative and environmental friendly products, BASF is sure to do nothing but grow as a company.   Instead of focusing its investments and technologies strictly in one area, the company’s diversity enables BASF to obtain a substantial amount of profits in its non-cyclical parts of its operations. The company’s growth has been boosted tremendously.   The protection of crops, vitamin and pharmacy mergers, marketing of petrochemicals and increased environmentally friendly plastics and fibers has enabled BASF to not only be a diversified but also a competitive global company within the market place.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Research Proposal Example If the two elements did not exist, people would rethink their participation. Therefore, considering the importance of sharing private information online in maintaining a vibrant Internet, there is need to defend people’s privacy and data that is online from government intrusion; this essay will, through presenting evidence from books and other sources, proof that violation of online privacy is a danger to technology companies, the internet, and peoples civil rights. In carrying out this research, I will rely on newspaper articles, expert views from lawyers and internet experts, books, and journal. I will rely on newspaper and magazine articles because the issue of government surveillance has become a hot topic since Edward Snowden released leaks about massive spying and illegal collection of data being carried out by American government. Internet experts and founders on large Internet companies will provide interesting perspective on online privacy. Books and journals will provide intellectual and philosophical view in the discussion of privacy. All materials used will be secondary and tertiary. Massive and illegal mining of personal data is a threat to the Internet. The Internet is based on openness and trust. When people share their personal data online, they do not expect the information will end up with the government or other third parties (Mears and Cohen 16). If they expect that would be the case, they would refuse to share it. On Facebook, people share personal data with their friends. That sharing creates trust and genuine engagement. Without people sharing personal information, social networking sites would lose their ability and keep people engaged online. This would signify the decline of social media. Another threat is the fledgling crowd services offered by Amazon web services, Google app engine, box, dropbox, and others. Foreign companies would fear keeping their data with American companies if American government would access it

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The requirement of good faith for becoming a holder in due course Research Paper

The requirement of good faith for becoming a holder in due course - Research Paper Example Problems could arise in a situation whereby the holder seeking payment out of a negotiable instrument comes to learn that a certain defense to the payment exists. The same could happen when the holder learns that another party has a previous claim to the same instrument ( In this regard, the person seeking the payment is required to have legal rights of being a holder in due course. A holder in due course takes negotiable instruments free of any prevailing claims as well as most of other parties’ defenses. Usually, real defenses defeat payments to all holders with holders in due course inclusive. Besides, personal defenses have the capability of asserting against ordinary holders very successfully ( The HDC doctrine was implemented by the Article of the Uniform Commercial Code (Maggs 1). The Article also governs some negotiable instruments like promissory notes and checks. The doctrine asserts that, â€Å"a party who acquires a negotiable instrument in good faith, for value, and without notice of certain facts, and who also meets some additional requirements, takes the instrument free of competing claims of ownership and most defenses to payment† (Maggs 1). In this regard, the HDC doctrine may therefore relieve a party that is acquiring a note or check from such worries that someone else could own the instrument or the instrument maker would have certain legal grounds that could be used for the refusal to pay it. The doctrine of good faith is one of the various requirements for one to become a holder in good faith. In this regard, the holder is required to take the instrument, in question, â€Å"in good faith.† Good faith here is used to imply to â€Å"honesty in fact and the observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing† (Maggs). An holder taking part in fraudulent schemes can be considered to be lacking good faith under such

Culture's influence on social and developmental processes Assignment

Culture's influence on social and developmental processes - Assignment Example The particular psychological makeup of any person is the outcome of both culture transmission (nurture) and biological transmission (nature). There are different factors that combine in shaping and creating a person. These factors are cultural and biological factors. Parents are seen to be a proximal influence as the genetic composition of every person comes equally from either the biological father or mother (Berry et al., 1997). In addition, the distant relatives of an individual and the particular biological blend formed by them are substantial factors contributing to the biological uniqueness. Also, blood quantum or race may contribute to uniqueness. In conclusion, factors that contribute to the distal cultural transmissions which shape directly the person are things like cultural beliefs that regard the worth and nature of children, gender related tasks to people or assignment of a precise age. Above all, the parents are proximal influences who play a great role to the child by socializing the increasing members of culture (Berry et al., 1997). Additionally, there are a lot of indirect cultural influences which may be powerful and passive. They include; mentors, neighbors, grandparents and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Final over A Raisin in the Sun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final over A Raisin in the Sun - Essay Example When Ruth, Lena’s daughter-in-law, becomes pregnant, things take an uncomfortable turn for Ruth and her husband, Walter, who is Lena’s son. Both Ruth and Walter are aware that they do not have enough money to raise another child; Walter attempts to bring up abortion as an option for Ruth. However, Ruth, being the strong-of-heart woman that she is, decides to keep the child, realizing that it is already a living, breathing being. Eventually, Walter comes around and accepts his responsibility as a father. Unfortunately, when things are beginning to look up again, Walter loses what remained from the insurance check when he gives it to a friend for a business investment, instead of setting it aside for food and household needs. His friend runs off with the money, leaving Walter with nothing, and therefore leaving the rest of the Younger family with nothing. Though she showed strength throughout the play, Lena loses hope when she realizes that the check has been taken, leaving them with nothing, although her children are insisting that they can just work a little harder to bring more money in. Lena becomes more hopeful at the thought that her family will This dream is based, though, when the â€Å"welcoming committee† from the Youngers’ new, predominantly white neighborhood arrives and tries to buy them out of moving into the new neighborhood. At first, the family tells the white man off; however, in light of their fresh money problems, they consider taking the money offered and staying in their apartment. However, Walter, understanding the importance of his family’s dreams, opts against taking the money, vows to work harder, and insists that the family moves into their new house, giving them a brighter future. In â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†, Ruth and Beneatha are two women that, while sharing some similarities, can be found at opposite ends of the spectrum from each other in regard to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Has the emergence of social enterprise provided an alternative to Literature review

Has the emergence of social enterprise provided an alternative to local governments role of providing social well-being - Literature review Example dings of private conversations within the community of social enterprises and discussion of their role within the society, which might undermine the role and need for a local government enterprise in some areas as well. The literature is organised in a manner to facilitate a step-wise understanding of the role of social enterprise in relation to that of the government in provision of social well-being. The paper begins with exploration of the origin of a social enterprise and then putting forth an argument that states that social enterprises can work without much intervention from the government. The review then organises itself for identifying the role of social enterprises and local government in these societal existence and explores various categories that gather instances to depict how social enterprises and the local government act as complements and supplements. It then goes on to discuss why social enterprises can replace local government’s role and concludes in highlighting the similar view. The resource dependency theory states that there exist exchange relationships between firms and their external environment. To make sure that such firms survive long, social enterprises source resources that are the key to attain objectives. The resource dependency theory is relevant in the context of a social enterprise because the board member want to sources resources from all possible places beyond the social economy. Companies tend to rely on scare financial resources and therefore devise strategies to recruit directors who have the ability to influence the world with a view to get the desired resources. The stewardship theory states that corporate governance and the board can influence the behaviour of other people within the organization by performing the role of an advisor and strategy maker. The manager here plays the role of a steward rather than a profit seeker. In case of social enterprises, the stewardship theory is being extensively used because of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Boundary Location Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Boundary Location - Assignment Example This boundary allocation was considered very important. This is because it was meant to give a clear direction on different boundaries of regions (Keen 1995). This was meant to create peace in those regions. It is important to note that lots 12 and 13 were bordering each other. These lots were supposed to be differentiated properly to avoid conflicts between the neighbors. It must be noted that these two lots were put in to place by professionals who understood how to divide boundaries. It must be noted that lot 12 and 13 were divided in accordance to legal requirements that regulates issues that pertain to land (Conrow 2003). Boundary location between lots 12 and 13 was done in a better way. These boundaries were put in place by legal experts. Let me also note that location of these boundaries is in tandem with laws that regulate land in the country. It is important to note that the allocation of the two boundaries took long time. This was contributed by the complications and complexity of the whole process. It is also important to note that boundary location between lot 12 and 13 put in to account the interests of the residents in those regions. It is therefore important to highlight this will result in to creation of peaceful coexistence between the two neighbors. According to me, allocation of lot 12 and 13 was legal and proper (Wilson 2010). The part shown in figure 3 is not part of my client’s property. This is because this part has been demarcated clearly. According to the picture, my client does not deserve this region because it is within another person’s land. Let me highlight that clear demarcations, as fences should be used to differentiate different regions. This will ensure that there is no conflict between residents in those regions (Anderson 2011). The owner of cottage has to realize that it is located in another person’s land. According to the figure, demarcations show clearly that it within another

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Billy Budd - Good and Evil Essay Example for Free

Billy Budd Good and Evil Essay In the play Billy Budd, the author, Hermann Melvinne, creates two conflicting character personalities which are portrayed as good and evil. John Claggart (Master-At-Arms) tries to destroy Billy Budd because he is jealous of Billys reputation and acceptance among the crew. There is also a conflict involving Captain Vere when he is forced to decide on the fate of Billy Budd after he kills Claggart. Billy is a handsome, young sailor, new to the ship and eager to impress. Billy becomes very popular with the crew. When seeing Billy accepted by the crew it reminds him of the their dislike for him and he becomes jealous. The Danksters conversation with Claggart also shows his fear that he will lose the power he held from the fear of others when he says ? they turn from hating you to loving him, and leave you impotent. Claggart becomes determined in destroying Billys reputation. Claggart ? lives on hurting people and his evil nature prevails through his attempts to bring down Billy throughout the play such as when he orders Squeak to ? put that new seaman Budd on report and when he lies to the captain and falsely accuses Billy of starting a mutiny. Billy is innocent in a sense that he has done no wrong which leads to his blind and naive view of evil. The Dankster tries to warn Billy that ? nobodys friend is Jimmy-Legs and by saying ? he is down on you but he does not see Claggart to be a threat of any sort. Billys innocence and devotion to good do not let him see the evil in Claggart whom is trying to destroy him but eventually conflict resulting in the murder of Claggart from a blow by Billy. Billys retaliation leads to another conflict between good and evil where Captain Vere must decide Billys fate after he commits a crime punishable by death after killing Claggart. Vere likes Billys character and would not like to see Billy put to death. Vere accepts that Claggart provoked Billys retaliation by lying and can see the evil in Claggart but also recognizes the call of duty which at war-time was non-tolerable for such an offence. Vere is troubled with the conflict of conscience and duty and under the circumstances of war he does what is right and has Billy hung. Captain Vere loves Billy and has no problem with him in any way but finds where authority has evil it will command. In conclusion Billy was innocent but by failing to see the evil which was upon him he became unable to protect himself from it, being Claggart, who held an authoritarian position higher than him. Captain Vere was also exposed to evil through Claggart by not stripping him of his rank before he began to provoke Billy which then lead to Veres decision to put Billy to death. Therefore even the good exposed to evil in a position of authority will sarcome to evil retaliations.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effective Operations Management At Ryanair

Effective Operations Management At Ryanair To be successful in an increasingly competitive environment, organisations must be more adaptive and innovative than ever before in providing a superior quality service. This paper will consider the role of operations management with the organisation and ways in which successful operations management can contribute to meeting organisational objectives. It is essential the organisations address issues of quality and resource utilisation to reduce costs and provide superior customer service with the intention of increasing sales and creating a competitive advantage. This paper will discuss how organisations can create a quality culture through TQM, and diagnose problems and areas for improvement using quality tools such as Lean and Six Sigma. The final section of this paper will discuss how organisations can plan for the successful implementation of TQM, highlighting the need for a quality management team, adequate management and resource availability, and consultation and communication with its workforce. Task 1: The strategic objectives of operational management The role played by effective operations management at Ryanair This section will discuss the role played by effective operations management at Ryanair; Europes largest low cost airline. Effective operations management is the systematic direction and control of five functions (management, procurement, transformation, customer services and distribution) that transform input resources into finished goods or services offering superior customer satisfaction (Slack, 1999). Within this transformation process (Figure 1), the role of effective operations management is to improve resource utilisation, thus reducing costs, whilst also providing improved quality and customer service which increases revenue (Slack and Lewis, 2002). Figure 1: Transformation process Operations management at Ryanair aims to optimise resource utilisation through the careful management of employees, technology, raw materials and money in order to increase productivity. For example, flight staff at Ryanair are trained to improve their productivity and keep aircraft turnaround times to a minimum (Slack et al, 2007). This increase in productivity allows Ryanair aircrafts to make more flights each day, significantly increasing turnover. In addition to this, another role of operations management at Ryanair is to ensure superior customer satisfaction. This is achieved through improving the flexibility, quality and consistency of its service and continually driving down costs. For example, through providing a no-frills basic service on-board its aircrafts, Ryanair can ensure superior satisfaction through driving down costs (Slack et al, 2007). The role played by effective operations management at Ryanair is to maximise resource utilisation and ensure superior customer service. Although operations management at Ryanair is extremely successful at these two roles, it could be recommended that they continue to ensure effective operation management through maintaining a precise understanding of customer requirements and monitoring environmental change that may affect these requirements. Ryanairs strategic objectives Ryanairs strategic objectives set out its mission and aims as well as defining how it is going to compete within its market (Slack and Lewis, 2002). Ryanairs strategic objectives will be categorised in terms of its goal (market leadership), target customers and offer (distinctive positioning), operating system (to sustain its low cost position), values and distinctive competence. Ryanairs fundamental goal is to establish itself as Europes leading low-fares scheduled passenger airline through continued improvements and expanded offerings of its low-fares service (Ryanair, 2009). Gaining and maintaining market leadership is advantageous in allowing Ryanair to increase its publicity due to leadership status, increase its economies of scale and further reduce costs. Another main strategic objective of Ryanair is to clearly identify its target market segments in order to position its strategy to satisfy particular customer requirements. Ryanair identifies its target customers as fare-conscious leisure and business travellers (Ryanair, 2009). In addition this, Ryanairs strategy is to create a superior offer tailed to its target customer requirements. Ryanair aims to offer low fares that generate increased passenger traffic while maintaining a continuous focus on cost-containment and operating efficiencies (Ryanair, 2009). Ryanairs strategy is also to clearly define its company values of low price, value for money and efficiency and to further utilise its distinctive competence of being creative at driving down cost. This distinctive competence is effective because it can be transferrable to other services; it provides a benefit to the customer and is unique to Ryanair. In summary, Ryanairs strategic objectives are to become Europes largest airline operator through offering low-cost, reliable service to both business and leisure users. Ryanair aims to achieve this through clear company values of low price, value for money and efficiency and its distinctive competence of being creative at driving down costs. In order to fulfil these strategic objectives, Ryanair must ensure that its operational objectives are focussed on ensuring superior customer satisfaction and effective resource utilisation. The success of Ryanairs operations objectives in meeting strategic objectives This part of the assignment shows how Ryanairs operations objectives contribute effectively to achieving its strategic objectives. Operations objectives are decisions which shape the capabilities of an operation and their long-term contribution to strategic objectives, through the reconciliation of market requirements with resource utilisation (Slack and Lewis, 2002). The success of Ryanairs operations objectives in meeting strategic objectives is achieved through its focus on ensuring superior customer satisfaction and through rigorous redesigning of systems and processes to enhance resource utilisation. Superior customer service is achieved by Ryanairs operations management through obtaining a clear understanding of the characteristics and requirements of their target customers. Ryanair understands the importance of a low-cost, reliable and safe airline service to its customers. Ryanair sells tickets directly to customers through its internet site keeping prices low and providing customers with the flexibility to buy tickets whenever and wherever they choose (Ryanair, 2010). In addition to this, Ryanair also keeps aircraft turnaround times to a minimum allowing more flights to take off per day and increasing the availability of flights to customers (Slack et al, 2007). Operations management at Ryanair also aims to improve resource utilisation and to continuously drive down cost. Ryanair, for example, uses standardised aircrafts and parts to allow for large orders from a single aircraft supplier increasing their economies of scale. In addition to this, Ryanair schedules flights to smaller secondary airports allowing money to be saved in airport fees (Slack et al, 2007). These twin operational objectives are so well balanced that they enable Ryanair to successfully achieve its strategic objectives. Through ensuring superior customer satisfaction, Ryanair is able to maintain a clear definition of its offer and also fulfil its goal to become Europes largest budget airline through increasing its customer demand. In addition to this, continuous improvement to resource utilisation allows Ryanair to gain and maintain competitive advantage through its distinctive competence of being creative at driving down costs and values of providing a low price and efficient service. Ryanairs operations objectives are extremely successful in meeting strategic objectives through its clear focus on ensuring superior customer satisfaction and rigorous redesigning of systems and processes. It could be recommended that Ryanair further builds upon this success through the implementation of a Total Quality Management (TQM) system aimed at integrating practical quality control techniques with organisational cultures conductive to the continuous improvement of quality (RDI, 2008). TQM systems at Ryanair will be further discussed in the next section. Task 2: Appropriate Systems 2.1 Systems to ensure the quality of products This section will discuss the use of two fundamental quality systems, Six Sigma and Lean. These two processes implement different methodology to achieve a similar goal: an offer of superior quality through the careful consideration of customer requirements and removal of defects and waste. Six Sigma Six Sigma is a data-driven discipline aimed to improve the quality of operational processes by listening to customer requirements and identifying and removing the causes of defects and variability (General Electric Company, 2009). Organisations that implement Six Sigma correctly achieve significant benefits that contribute to competitive advantage and to changing the culture in an organisation from reactive problem solving to proactive problem prevention (Six Sigma Group, 2010). An organisation such as Ryanair could use Six Sigma to ensure quality through the implementation of the Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control method throughout the organisation. Customer requirements must be defined and measures should be made against core business processes to determine possible shortfalls. Potential gaps between current performance and goals must be analysed, and then innovative solutions using technology and discipline can be implemented and controlled (iSixSigma, 2010). Lean Lean is a production practice aimed at maximising customer value while minimising waste (Lean Enterprise Institute, 2009). Ryanair could incorporate Lean to help optimise the flow of the transformation system to ensure superior customer value and minimise waste. This could be achieved through determining customer requirements and eliminating stages of the transformation system that do not contribute towards meeting these requirements. This process should be repeated until perfect value is created with no waste (Lean Enterprise Institute, 2009). Unlike Six sigma which focuses on individual systems, Lean is effective at ensuring quality through addressing the transformation system as a whole. This also allows simpler information management and allows for faster responses to changing customer requirements. 2.2 The use of TQM and ISO 9000 to monitor quality to a satisfactory level Total Quality Management (TQM) and ISO 9000 have a mutual focus on ensuring quality through the promotion of customer satisfaction and process improvement. Whereas ISO 9000 is a tool used to regulate quality, TQM can be understood as the overarching philosophy within which ISO 90000 should be implemented. TQM TQM is a management philosophy that aims to empower all organisational functions with the responsibility of ensuring quality (ISO, 2010). This is achieved through developing and reworking systems to optimise resource utilisation, prevent errors and ultimately achieve superior customer satisfaction (Chartered Quality Institute, 2010). TQM aims to deliver quality and value above and beyond customer expectations through several key principles. Firstly, employees throughout the TQM organisation must be united within a customer-focussed culture to share ideas and facilitate innovation (Oakland, 2003 p3 ff). There must also be continuous improvements of systems and processes to increase resource utilisation and prevent errors before they occur. Finally, information must be shared throughout all levels of the organisation to ensure that the quality culture is embedded and maintained (Oakland, 2003 p3 ff). ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is a tool which can be used within a TQM culture to regulate and ensure quality. It is a systematic approach to managing the organisations processes so that they consistently turn out products that meet and exceed customer expectations (ISO, 2010). ISO 9000 is able to ensure quality to a satisfactory level through the implementation of quality management guidelines. Firstly, the organisation must ensure that a clear customer focus is established and processes are assessed as to how successful they are contributing to the customer focus. All outputs are monitored for defects, and new systems are implemented to prevent future defects. Continuous improvements are made to the quality system to ensure continued development (ISO, 2010). TQM and ISO 9000 are essential systems to ensure quality. Organisations must be aware, however, that in order to maintain a level of superior quality, TQM and ISO 9000 must not be treated as add-on functions with little attention given to the required changes in organisation and culture. 2.3 Quality Culture in the United Kingdom and Bulgaria This element of the paper sets out to define the term quality culture and then compares the view of quality between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria. Quality culture is an organisational value system that results in an environment that is conducive to the establishment and continual improvement of quality (Noronha, 1999). An organisation that develops and maintains a quality culture will differ significantly from an organisation with a traditional culture. Its attitude towards customers, problem-solving approach, supplier relationships and performance improvement approach will be geared towards creating superior customer value and increased resource utilisation as means of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. For the successful introduction and implementation of a quality culture such as TQM, a quality culture must be developed to increase the success and likeliness of the systems acceptance throughout the organisation. This can be achieved through maintaining an awareness of quality as a key cultural issue, empowering employees and encouraging self-development, and rewarding behaviours that nurture and maintain a quality culture (Noronha, 1999). The view of quality in the UK and Bulgaria The view of quality in the UK has been shaped considerably by the values and principles brought about by quality management systems such as TQM, ISO 9000 and Lean etc. There is a great emphasis on achieving quality through the refinement of systems and processes tailored to deliver superior customer satisfaction and efficient resource utilisation (Noronha, 1999). Becoming part of the economic union in 2007, Bulgaria has had little exposure to quality management systems and quality culture that have been adopted by many organisations across Europe. The view of quality in organisations in Bulgaria was based purely on traditional values rather than hygiene, inspection of product, systems and TQM. Although there are clear differences in the view of quality internationally, there are also considerable differences between the views of quality nationally. The key issue, however, is the degree to which an organisation is able to understand and address quality issues. By way of conclusion a further point of interest prompted by this question is that while comparing quality culture between countries it is apparent that the same issue can be levelled at individual companies. Slack references the differences between companies in individual countries by distinguishing between pioneer, adaptive and follower categories of business and different approaches to quality culture Task 3: Organisational Performance Problems and opportunities for quality improvement In order to establish a need for quality improvement, BTB should conduct an appraisal of internal and external factors to gain an understanding of potential shortfalls in the quality of products and services, and resource utilisation. For an external review, an appraisal of the stakeholder market can be undertaken providing valuable information about customer requirements and stakeholder perceptions of the current quality of the operation. This type of appraisal can be undertaken through market sensing customer needs and requirements, and conducting surveys to obtain customer feedback on service and product quality. In addition to this, benchmarking can be undertaken to compare the performance of the company with that of its competitors within its own and other markets. BTB can also undertake an internal review to reveal information about potential gap between where the company is performing now and where they want to be in the future. This gap analysis can be undertaken to identify the adequacy of the systems currently in place to engage with customers and the channels in place to facilitate communication and information sharing. Organisational performance improvement programme Executive Summary This report will show how, through the introduction of TQM, improvements will be made to significantly raise productivity and reduce waste. As a consequence of these improvements sales throughput will have the potential to dramatically increase, significantly enhancing the organisations ability to gain and maintain competitive advantage. Introduction BTB Brew Technology (BTB) is an international manufacturing business specialising in buying, refurbishing, and selling industrial processing equipment and factories. BTBs strategy is to increase sales throughput by 10% through making dramatic improvements to customer service and resource utilisation. BTB has been advised to implement TQM as a means of achieving this goal. The importance of TQM Many organisations have found that the key to competitive success lies in maximising product and service quality (Kano, 1993). TQM is an effective means of allowing BTB to improve customer service through improving quality and resource utilisation. It is a structured system that will encompass all levels of an organisation to provide products and services that consistently meet and exceed customer expectations (Noronha, 1999). The importance of an implementation plan The implementation process of TQM will require a substantial change in BTBs organisation and management philosophy. Simply understanding TQM is not enough to create a management system required to sustain a TQM culture. It is essential that BTB develops a strategic TQM implementation plan that is developed, directed, and supported by management, and implemented throughout all levels of organisation. Strategic approach to project management Edwards and Hodgson (2004) state that TQM implementation is most successful when the four stages of (a) providing a vision (b) management action, (c) increasing employee participation and awareness, and (d) business alignment, are undertaken. This suggests that a successful implementation strategy must begin with creating vision towards quality which is communicated throughout the organisation. Management must show their commitment to the vision and motivate and empower employees to make quality their priority. Business systems and processed must then be modified to achieve customer satisfaction and recourse utilisation. Recommendations As a means of ensuring a successful and smooth implementation it is recommended that BTB formulates a project management team who will be responsible for developing and carrying through the strategic implementation plan. Strategic Implementation Plan Figure 1: Stages of TQM implementation The implementation plan consists of three stages: developing a case for change, piloting TQM, and implementation. Developing a strategy for change In this stage, BTB should aim to gain a thorough understanding of what should be expected from the introduction of TQM and the implications of introducing it. Upper management at BTB will need to develop a clear belief of the benefits of TQM to generate the momentum to start and maintain the implementation. This could be achieved through conducting benchmarking visits to superior performing organisations and studying TQM literature. After establishing a belief and need for TQM, the organisation must unite with a commitment to customer satisfaction; communicating the vision and bringing together employees within a quality culture. To communicate and lead this vision, BTB will need to bring together a quality management team who will be the driving force behind the implementation process. The quality management team will firstly need to communicate the quality vision and ensure that all employees understand and are committed to the organisations direction. This could be achieved through establishing a company quality policy, incorporating a statement of vision, goals and principles which is communicated to all employees. The quality management team must also start to build trust amongst employees, providing reassurance about jobs and roles, and communicating the benefit of TQM. Employees must also be motivated with a new sense of direction, receiving encouragement and rewards when commitment to the new culture is displayed. Preparation for the piloting stage must also be conducted, ensuring that there is appropriate resource allocation and support for TQM. Guidance must also be given by the quality management team to help clarify the role of each level of management, and establish systems and activities for interdepartmental problem solving. Finally, the quality management team must begin to identify and develop an appropriate action plan for TQM implementation; producing a Gantt chart which clearly illustrates the work breakdown structure of the project. They must, take into consideration the deadline for implementation, time to deliver and install new equipment and systems, length of training programmes, and potential obstacles which may be faced such as shortage of capital, and delays from suppliers. It is important that buffer periods are also factored into the time plan which will help to compensate for unexpected problems. Piloting TQM The piloting stage will provide BTB with a learning base from which management can begin to analyse the breadth of TQM requirements including, time, resources, and management focus. The number and sequence of team activities undertaken at the piloting stage should reflect the nature and strategy of the action plan devised by the quality management team. BTB should begin by testing its original production systems to assess efficiency and ability to ensure quality. Quality tools such as ISO 9000 and Lean production can be used to provide guidelines on system performance and address ways of increasing efficiency. BTB should make adjustments to all systems assessed as falling below standard. This can be achieved through buying new and more efficient production equipment, and though re-designing the transformation system to facilitate superior quality. Training initiatives must be implemented to all levels of the organisation. Line managers must be trained to become facilitators of continuous improvement, coaching new methods, and leading empowered employees. Employees should be trained to understand the importance of the customer and learn ways in which quality can be managed within their roles. Employees must also be trained to improve their communication skills to help facilitate information sharing throughout the organisation. It is also recommended that rewards and recognition are given to employees to reinforce commitment and adaption to new roles. For example, BTB may increase feedback given to employees by line managers and executives to reward commitment to quality and efficiency. In addition to this BTB may consider paying bonuses to reward positive appraisal feedback. Information and lessons learned from the pilot project must be used by management and the quality management team to make changes and revisions the original action plan, developing it into a structured and comprehensive multi-year implementation plan. It is at this point that BTB can make the commitment to implement TQM. Implementation In this stage, BTB should be concerned with securing the increased participation, shared responsibility, knowledge, skills and capabilities developed from the previous two stages. Training initiatives must be continued to improve communication channels throughout the organisation. For example, new IT systems could be installed to provide a new company instant messaging system allowing information to be sent instantaneously between departments. Employees should be trained on how to use these new systems and the importance of information sharing as a means of achieving a common goal. In addition to this, employees must continue to be kept regularly informed of business performance and development. Face-to-face meetings should be frequently scheduled with line managers, informing employees on factors such as individual and team successes to maintain motivation and commitment. It is recommended that BTB also forms strategic partnerships with suppliers and customers who have developed quality cultures and place value on efficiency and superior customer satisfaction. Strategic partnership will be beneficial to BTB in allowing them to form mutual relationships with other companies they are likely to work with, making sure that orders arrive on time, to right quality and the right price. BTB should now be in a position to exploit its internal improvement capability and use it to effectively re-focus its efforts on improving processes to deliver superior customer satisfaction. It should, for example, now focus on re-organisation to customer and market-driven process management. Conclusion The success of TQM implementation is a function of many variables (both controllable and uncontrollable), which are unique to the particular company situation. Effective project management determines the success or failure of the implementation project. BTB should aim to tailor its approach to exploit its unique strengths and focus on its particular weaknesses. It would be beneficial for BTB to look into more tactical approaches to TQM implementation; however this is beyond the scope of this assignment. Recommendations It is recommended that BTB focuses on a small defined set of improvement priorities that align with its business goals and objectives, and that should therefore be realistically achievable. These include the employment of an effective quality steering group who are effectively managed and resourced, and the set-up of a piloting project to help benchmark and appraise performance. The culmination and fulfilment of these objectives should then result in a structured TQM implementation plan customised to the specific needs of BTB. Assignment Conclusion To be successful in an increasingly competitive environment, organisations must be more adaptive and innovative than ever before in providing a superior quality service. It is essential the organisations address issues of quality and resource utilisation to reduce costs and provide superior customer service with the intention of increasing sales and creating a competitive advantage. Organisations must look towards transforming their culture into a quality culture through TQM, whilst implementing quality tools such as Lean and Six Sigma to diagnose areas of improvement. For organisations to remain competitive, they must continue to invest time and resources in the development of their transformation systems.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Physics of Bowling Essay -- Physics Bowling Papers

The Physics of Bowling The definition of physics by some may be the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force. Therefore everything in the world uses physics in some way or another. One of the numerous things that deal with physics is bowling. Some of the major parts of physics bowling has is the motions, the ways that Newton’s laws apply, the different momentums, and the energy. Other physics topics include torque, pendulum theory and collisions. In the motion of bowling many things are going on that apply to bowling. There is displacement, velocity, gravity, and acceleration. There is also an opposition to motion, which is friction. The displacement would be the bowling ball going from the position of leaving the hand to where it rests at the back by the pin collector. The velocity of the ball would include the speed and direction of the ball. The equation to find the velocity of the ball would be the displacement divided by the time taken to reach the destination. Gravity affects everything on this planet. Bowling is no exception. If the bowling ball were thrown up out of the hand of a bowler, gravity would bring it down to the floor. If the pin and bowling ball fell at the same time from the same height they would hit the ground at the exact same time. This is one main reason everything deals with physics. The acceleration would be in a slowing down state or deceleration. It would decelerate because of the small friction f rom the ball to the floor. The opposition to the motion, called friction is the ball touching the floor. In bowling this is a great factor because it is used to spin into the pins in an exact location. As soon as the ball makes contact with the lane's surface, friction comes into ... ...f the physics world that most don’t take time to think about. In this sport it was noticed the many applied physics that happens. It includes the motions, the ways that Newton’s laws apply, the different momentums, and the energy. Some of the other physics topics include torque, pendulum theory and collisions. This sport as well as anything else is affected by physics. Even though physics is involved and it might not seem so complicated to hit down pins but physics affects everything so it would take a lot of luck and skill to not mess anything up with the physics. Works Cited: 1.Internet website, by Colleen Bryan Emily Butsic Bo Hu Adrienne Metz. 2.Book, â€Å"A World View fourth edition,† by Kirkpatrick and Wheeler, 1992. 3.Article, â€Å"The Physics of Bowling,† by Tim Burgess, vol.34, May 1996. The Physics of Bowling Essay -- Physics Bowling Papers The Physics of Bowling The definition of physics by some may be the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force. Therefore everything in the world uses physics in some way or another. One of the numerous things that deal with physics is bowling. Some of the major parts of physics bowling has is the motions, the ways that Newton’s laws apply, the different momentums, and the energy. Other physics topics include torque, pendulum theory and collisions. In the motion of bowling many things are going on that apply to bowling. There is displacement, velocity, gravity, and acceleration. There is also an opposition to motion, which is friction. The displacement would be the bowling ball going from the position of leaving the hand to where it rests at the back by the pin collector. The velocity of the ball would include the speed and direction of the ball. The equation to find the velocity of the ball would be the displacement divided by the time taken to reach the destination. Gravity affects everything on this planet. Bowling is no exception. If the bowling ball were thrown up out of the hand of a bowler, gravity would bring it down to the floor. If the pin and bowling ball fell at the same time from the same height they would hit the ground at the exact same time. This is one main reason everything deals with physics. The acceleration would be in a slowing down state or deceleration. It would decelerate because of the small friction f rom the ball to the floor. The opposition to the motion, called friction is the ball touching the floor. In bowling this is a great factor because it is used to spin into the pins in an exact location. As soon as the ball makes contact with the lane's surface, friction comes into ... ...f the physics world that most don’t take time to think about. In this sport it was noticed the many applied physics that happens. It includes the motions, the ways that Newton’s laws apply, the different momentums, and the energy. Some of the other physics topics include torque, pendulum theory and collisions. This sport as well as anything else is affected by physics. Even though physics is involved and it might not seem so complicated to hit down pins but physics affects everything so it would take a lot of luck and skill to not mess anything up with the physics. Works Cited: 1.Internet website, by Colleen Bryan Emily Butsic Bo Hu Adrienne Metz. 2.Book, â€Å"A World View fourth edition,† by Kirkpatrick and Wheeler, 1992. 3.Article, â€Å"The Physics of Bowling,† by Tim Burgess, vol.34, May 1996.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Laser Technology :: essays research papers fc

The laser is a device that a beam of light that is both scientifically and practically of great use because it is coherent light. The beam is produced by a process known as stimulated emission, and the word "laser" is an acronym for the phrase "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." Light is just like radio waves in the way that it can also carry information. The information is encoded in the beam as variations in the frequency or shape of the light wave. The good part is that since light waves have much higher frequencies they can also hold much more information. Not only is the particle the smallest light unit but it is a particle as well as a wave. In beams of light whether they are ordinary natural or artificial the photon waves will not be traveling together because they are not being emitted at exactly the same moment but instead at random short bursts. Even if the light is of a single frequency that statement would also be true. A laser is useful because it produces light that is not only of essentially a single frequency but also coherent, with the light waves all moving along in unison. Lasers consist of several components. A few of the many things that the so-called active medium might consist of are, atoms of a gas, molecules in a liquid, and ions in a crystal. Another component consists of some method of introducing energy into the active medium, such as a flash lamp for example. Another component is the pair of mirrors on either side of the active medium which consists of one that transmits some of the radiation that hits it. If the active component in the laser is a gas laser than each atom is characterized by a set of energy states, or energy levels, of which it may consist. An example of the energy states could be pictured as a unevenly spaced ladder which the higher rungs mean higher states of energy and the lower rungs mean lower states of energy. If left disturbed for a long time the atom will reach its ground state or lowest state of energy. According to quantum mechanics there is only one light frequency that the atom will work with. There are three ways that the atom can deal with the presence of light either it can absorb the light, or spontaneous emission occurs, or stimulated emission occurs.

The Signal-Man By Charles Dickens :: Charles Dickens Signal man Essays

The Signal-Man By Charles Dickens Dickens gives a description of the railway cutting with intricate detail and encompasses it with a cloud of gloomy and a depressive mood. He associates places and objects with certain impressions which produce this large image of negative and horrifying vibes and feelings. When the narrating character has the first acquaintance of the railway cutting and signalman's box, Dickens bombards you with adjectives and depictions of a morbid and 'depressing' atmosphere. He called it a 'dungeon' which implies a sense of torture and a ghastly horrid nature. The very description of the signalman's box creates a feeling of suffocation and being trapped. 'On either side, a dripping wet wall of jagged stone, excluding all but a strip of sky; the perspective one way was only a crooked prolongation of this great dungeon;' The emphasis on the gloominess and 'forbidding' 'deadly' environment conveys the relevance to the storyline of pre-cursor of death and constant haunting and reminder of danger. Dickens also seems to always entertain the possibility of a supernatural presence. For example, the narrator had felt the dread of a following train, and when the wind 'struck a chill' to him. This allows for an interpretation of the apparent interference of a ghost in the plot like an outer world inspiration. The story throughout contains the ingredients and factors that make up a horror story, for example the chill, cold, 'gloomy', dark and 'deadly' moods, and the returning haunting ghostly figure with its repeating gesture. This is great support for the plot and it sets style and mood and adds fear and tension. The vivid interpretation of the 'dungeon' conveys the great torment the signalman was feeling inside, and shows the possible physical factors which could have psychologically affected him. The frequent indication of the solitude of the signalman, in the depressive and 'unnatural' atmosphere is

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ethical Business Scenario Essay

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) in the U. S earn a hefty salary compared to CEO’s in Europe. They earn on a daily basis what an average worker would earn in a whole year. To some this is justified by the fact that they are talented and that the forces of demand and supply dictate they earn more. To others this is unfair as the employees who also contributed massively to the success of the company get very little in return. Again, European CEO’s earn three times lesser what the CEO’s in U. S earn despite their having similar qualification. According to pay analysts the high salaries could have rose due imperfections in the market place. CEO salaries are determined by Board Committees, which fail to link performance with the salary awarded. This allows for great variance in the salary scales of workers. Consultancy firms that advice such committees on how much to pay the CEO are also a factor contributing to hefty CEO salaries. Hefty CEO salaries do not translate to better performance. The company shares could be declining due to customer dissatisfaction despite them spending so much money on CEO’s pay. Workers pay remain very low even after the federal increment of the minimum wage however this is like a drop in the sea as when adjusted for inflation it is still 7% below where it was 10 years ago. On the contrary CEO’s pay has rose by 45% after being adjusted for inflation. The CEO’s also gain from many benefits from the companies they work for. Different philosophers have different views on ethical and justice issues. Aristotle was dissatisfied with unjust gain. He insisted on the importance of ethical behavior and shows that people with virtues have performance in whatever they partake. Happiness is the spice of life and all human beings work to attain it. All actions are for a purpose or an end and people enhance tools needed to attain the goals they want in life. For instance a knife’s work is to cut and to cut better knives should be sharp. Peoples action should aim at making them better people and building their character. The essence of being human is the ability to reason. Virtues are classified into moral and intellectual moral virtues entail gentleness, liberty, truthfulness, wit and pride. To him, a mean is appropriate, too much or a deficient should be discouraged. Barnes, 500) Justice is an important virtue to him and he classifies it into two; particular and general. Particular justice complements the general justice by not earning unjust gains from an act while general justice is being observant to virtues relating to people. Intellectual virtues include knowledge, wisdom, prudence and art and they distinguish people’s capabilities as people behave according to them. Gaining at the expense of others is unjust. Injustice is said to occur when someone gets too little of a good thing or too much of a bad thing. (Michael, 59) Kant’s moral theory entails the ‘supreme principle of categorical imperative’ that entails the formula of universal law and of the end in itself. He says that man should â€Å"act in such a way that you always treat humanity in your own person or in the person of any other never simply as a means but always at †¦. the same time as an end†. All people act for a reason, which he calls ‘maxim’. (Alan, 66) To him maxims are more important and they should be pursued despite the harm or misery they cause on the process. People should just be cautious not to use others as mere means to an end but as ends in themselves. Using someone as a mere means implies that the person’s consent is not sought. (Onora, 219) People can be used as mere means by deceiving them; using false pretenses or giving misleading account at their expense. Coercion can also be used in using people as means to an end. Justice, to Kant entails not acting on maxims that use others as mere means to an end. Duties performed should be beneficial even to the people used in attaining the goals. Kantian approach does not focus a lot on the outcomes of an act but on the intentions. Sometimes good intentions could result to bad results. Human beings are rational beings with the ability to choose and plan and consequently should not be used as mere means in attaining happiness or goals in life. Kant emphasizes on cosmopolitan justice where justice is felt at a global level. His approach allows respect for human rights and also encourages cultural diversity. (Onora, 218) Sartre explains how we live in a society full of oppression and exploitation. He tries to create a responsible nation. People have different egos and should be controlled by their consciousness in doing their actions Sartre was an atheist who believed that God doesn’t exist. He devotes concerns to emotion as a spontaneous activity of consciousness that is projected onto the real world. To him people use their free will in partaking their actions and this poses the danger of people not being ready to take responsibility for their deeds. Freedom should entail responsibility as only then can people’s living conditions be improved. Human dignity would be retained freedom. Freedom is therefore corporate social responsibility. The society is full of hostility of man towards his fellow men. Sartre coins Marxist theory and states that ‘man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself’. The ultimate responsibilities of man are to first form himself then have social responsibility to help society. â€Å"Man can will nothing unless he has first understood that he must count no one but himself; that he is alone, abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no other aim than the one he sets himself, with no other destiny than the one he forges for himself on this earth† (Being Nothing 1943). Aristotle would see the high salaries of CEO as justified. This is because the CEO’s have established what they want in life and have worked hard to achieve it. They may have acquired appropriate education and professional skills that is required in the demanding CEO Job. This can be seen as the sharpening of a knife used for cutting objects. The good pay rewards their hard work and they attain happiness, which is very vital in human beings life. CEO’s have moral virtues as they find pride in what they do using the liberal means. They do not unjustly gain as they have what it takes to be in the CEO’s position. Just like other human beings, the CEO’s can reason but can do it better no wonder they get such positions. The workers should be challenged to improve on their skills to enable them become better people in society. However, Aristotle would consider CEO’s who earn hefty pay but fail to perform as being unjust. This could be attributed to the fact that the equilibrium or balance required between the good is not attained. Giving too much to the CEO’s and very little to the workers despite their hard work in itself a form of injustice. However, CEO’s can be justified with their hefty salaries because they have the appropriate knowledge and wisdom to lead companies to great heights in society. To him virtue is about proper functioning of something and consequently things should work properly for that which they are meant to do. CEO’s should earn enough salary to justify what they are worth. To Kant, hefty salaries for CEO’s would be a normal scenario in the society. This is because in society people have different ‘maxims’ or purposes for which they intend to satisfy. The only point of concern to consider when satisfying this maxim is to make sure one does not use others as mere means to an end. Although CEO’s have hefty wages they strive to attain what it takes to be in such positions. Again they do not use workers as mere means to an end but as ends to themselves. This is attributed to the fact that the workers gain in this arrangement. The CEO’s ensure good management of the organization or company, which translates to increased profits, and survival of the firm. Without these the companies would close down and the employees or workers too, would lose their jobs. Since the workers are aware of the situation then it is all right. (Lewis et al, 40) In most cases, the CEO’s do not use false pretenses of what they are doing. They provide clear guidelines of the company’s or firms. Again they do not use any form of coercion or use misleading accounts at the expense of the workers. Their wages are therefore justified as the good intentions, which are of much importance that lead to bad results. Workers work harder at the ground but the pay does not match the hard work. To Kant, human beings are rational and have the free will to plan not be exploited by being used as mere means to an end. Workers can choose and plan to develop their skills, which would see them in higher positions in society. Higher positions translate to better pay and a good life in general. Hefty salaries for CEO’s according to Sartre would be another form of exploitation, which is common in society. The society is full of individuals who are out to take advantage of their fellow individuals. CEO’s have an ego that shows they are very prominent and important in the society as well as in the companies they work for. Consultation firms that work to ensure the salaries are high also share that feeling. This feeling that CEO’s deserve hefty pays ensures that the salaries remain high at the expense of the workers who work more. Sartre would see the lack of corporate social responsibility on CEO’s to their workers. Human beings are what they choose to be and they have the freedom at their disposal. CEO’s choose such positions and pursue all that entails being there but they should show some responsibility to society by ensuring that the workers salaries are increased. Earning what someone else in the same company or firm would earn in a whole year is a high degree of oppression. On the contrary workers contribute to their oppression by not airing their grievances like demonstrating against the hefty CEO’s wages. Man is nothing without mutual responsibility and consequently responsibility should be instilled in the CEO’s minds. They can reduce their salaries and work to improve the workers welfare by increasing their salaries. Sartre is close in explaining my view that CEO’s should not be earning in a day what a worker earns in a whole year. Workers perform most of the work and rewarding their efforts will be appropriate. It will act as an incentive to work. Motivated workers produce quality work, which would lead to increased profits. CEO’s should not be too selfish in feasting on the largest piece of cake. They should show some responsibility which is part of what makes a human being by ensuring reduced salaries on their part while increasing the workers pay (Thomas, 150) The role of the workers in an organization cannot be underestimated. Despite good management from the CEO the workers should work under conducive environment. For firms to thrive, workers are involved at the grass root level in implementing of policies. Mere formulation without implementation is useless. Equality can be maintained by following the pay on performance approach where both CEO’s and workers are encouraged to work for the benefit of the whole firm or organization. Workers should unite in fighting for fair or justice in pay. CEO should not be paid hefty pay at the expense of workers. Appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that workers are not exploited. Closing loopholes on taxes that allow companies to deduct, as much money as they please should be observed. Compensation should be done with relation to performance and increment in pay should be justified. Introducing progressive taxes can work to reduce the amount of money CEO’s take home as salaries. Limit should be made on the amount of money CEO’s can take as their retirement plans. This will reduce the hefty amount of money CEO’s take home on retirement.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Borders in Our Minds Essay

Since the presidency under James Polk in 1844, many American citizens have, in one form or another, been in conflict with our neighbors to the south – the populace of Mexico. In the 19th century, however, those conflicts revolved mainly around ownership of land in what are now southwest regions of the United States (Scheffler, 2011). In modern society, American indifference toward Mexican immigrants exists in many other forms and plays a significant role in efforts to control Mexican natives entering the United States. It is my intention to bring to light various circumstances by which intolerance to Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans may have evolved. Such attempt will be made through: presentation of some of the various forms of bias currently in existence; application of the abstraction process as it applies to development of stereotypes; consideration of societal and cultural perspectives and how they may have precipitated non-acceptance of the Mexican immigrant into American society; and reflection on the roles in which Mexican immigrants have been placed that perpetuate stereotypes from an economic perspective. Finally, I will conclude by offering insight into that which I have derived from compilation of this paper from the perspective of one studying general semantics as part of an undergraduate program at Alverno College. This conclusion will include proposal for further consideration of the topic offered to the audience for which this paper is intended. The Basics of Bias Since 2000, the Hispanic population in the United States has grown from 35. 3 million (U. S. Census Bureau, 2000) to 50. 3 million (U. S. Census Bureau, 2010). This segment of the population has realized significant growth making then a large component of all American residents. One would tend to believe that given this growth, Mexicans would be viewed less as â€Å"aliens† and more as American citizens. In most instances, however, they are not considered the latter. They are considered different and in the past five years sociologists and civil rights attorneys have revealed many of the elements that play a role in the perpetuation of the bias numerous Americans hold toward Mexican immigrants. â€Å"They are [viewed as] disloyal . . . and refuse to assimilate† (Villareal, 2006) is one view of a Connecticut attorney who has spent many years defending minorities through legal activism (pg. 1). Villareal (2006) furthers his argument against American bias toward Mexican Americans by stating that â€Å"Mexican Americans will share in that dream and in that society only if they dream in English† (pg. 1). These biases obviously exist, but how they perhaps developed and why they conceivably sustain is the subject matter to follow. From Neighbor to Nuisance: The Power of Abstraction Objectivity and multi-perspective thinking is typically the product of the â€Å"constant interplay of higher-level and lower-level abstractions† (Hayakawa, 1990). It is the tendency to labor only at higher-levels of abstraction where one is inclined to stereotype. This is primarily due to the deduction that high-level abstraction is comprised of vagueness and generalities and it is this indistinct thinking that leads to standardized conceptions of common members of a group. These theories of high-level abstraction could very well account for bias against immigrants based upon linguistic differentials which reveal the tendency of individuals to stereotype or apply prejudice based upon language barriers. According to Nelson (2009), â€Å"linguistic bias mediates the extent to which people maintain stereotypic expectancies in the face of disconfirming information† (p. 499). Nelson predicates this concept upon studies of linguistic differences and how they produce negative behaviors. He describes this â€Å"linguistic bias effect† (p. 499) as existing at higher-levels of abstraction. While his research was done using Italian-Americans as test subjects, the linguistic bias theory assesses language barriers in a general sense and can account for negative predisposition toward Mexican immigrants based upon their unique dialect and possible inability to master language in a sense that individuals can assimilate as indigenous to the United States. The Societal and Cultural Gap A feeling of superiority as a people is likely a major contributor to American bias toward Mexican immigrants; highly distinct cultural attributes play a key role in this arena. In his in-depth studies and published works on cultural differences, Geert Hofstede (1984) reveals that â€Å"Americans see their own culture as very individualistic; and this individualism is interpreted as a major contributor to the greatness of the United States† (p. 150). Individualist cultures have great tendency to protect that which they feel entitlement to and possess a low desire to share. The United States is also a country very low on Hofstede’s scale measuring â€Å"power distance† which indicates a desire for a stable cultural environment where low power distance is â€Å"associated with highly individualistic cultures† (p.164). Based upon Hofstede’s research as it pertains to the cultural gap between Americans and Mexican immigrants, it can be inferred that intolerance toward Mexican immigrants has, in part, evolved from: an inability of Americans to accept cultural differences; ignorance to a culture that is based upon close, long-term commitment and shared responsibility rather than individualistic goals; and a desire to maintain a cultural environment of which they are familiar–an environment which they may view as threatened by change. In furthering the position of cultural disparity and its contribution to the intolerance of Mexican immigrants, various studies of ethnicity have yielded plausible explanation as to why many Americans have difficulty in the acceptance of Mexican immigrants into their native land. As is noted by Portes (1985), â€Å"Studies of ethnicity typically begin by noting the persistence of distinct cultural traits among groups formed by immigration . . . this situation can only be explained from an assimilation perspective, by the insufficient diffusion of the culture of the core to peripheral groups† (p.24). This perspective reiterates the strong role played by cultural disparity in fostering intolerance of immigrants. Economic Pigeon-Holing Some view Mexican immigrants as important only to a specific segment of the U. S. labor market and therefore, fail to see their role anywhere beyond this realm. It has become difficult for Mexican immigrants to transcend these barriers as Portes (1985) describes that â€Å"they have formed, each in their time, the mainstay of a segmented labor market . . . they constitute an indispensable component of the economic structure† (p. 25). He strengthens this argument by stating that â€Å"Granting such groups admittance into the core society on the basis of merit would jeopardize their utility to employers and to the entire dominant group† (p. 25). From this vantage point, it would be difficult for any one person to gain acceptance into a larger group if the economic success of that group were dependent upon that person remaining in one, very specific role. Given this, it is not difficult to understand the reasons why many Americans view Mexican immigrants as migrant workers, laborers, or maids—befitting of only a specific segment of the U. S. labor force. It is conceivable that this is not because they are unable to move beyond these stereotypes, but because they are unwilling to do so as it would upset their perception of an ideal economic structure. Discussion Investigation of the subject matter herein along with subsequent authorship of this paper has for me served as a catalyst toward multi-perspective understanding of current issues that impact the world from historical, social, political, and economic perspectives. I am now of the strong belief that effective communication is highly dependent upon successful integration of multicultural perspectives and diverse social perspectives. The ability to present an idea from multiple perspectives has also provided me an awareness of my ethical obligation as a communicator, that is, to inform without bias. It is difficult to argue that stereotypes precipitated by social, cultural, and economic perspectives exist as they pertain to Mexican immigrants in the United States. Thoughtful reflection upon the evolution of bias and stereotype can bring about greater understanding. To deny that diversity exists within our borders is to deny change. To attempt to keep that diversity out is to deny oneself the ability to live spherically and draw from cultural experiences that could serve to broaden perspective and intellect. A by-product of this dissertation is offered in the form of a challenge to those individuals who may be unaware of the levels of abstraction within which they operate. Heightened awareness of the levels of abstraction from which one functions both verbally and cerebrally can produce deeper understanding and subsequently the ability to understand and be understood. This may very well serve to lessen abhorrence and perhaps ultimately lead to the deterioration of intolerance to build a more peaceful society. References Elissa, G. (2001, August 11). Man Charged in Beatings Is Said to Have Used Racial Slurs. New York Times. p. 6. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Guitierrez, D. G. (1995). Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the Politics of Ethnicity. Berkeley, CA: California Press. Retrieved March 23, 2011, from http://books. google. com/ books? hl=en&lr=&id=Had4W9odLX0C&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=Mexican+immigrants& ots=Xb7xBvWz7o&sig=FRbC5aio9PLGrh14YK8pNrmEMnY#v=twopage&q&f=false. Hayakawa, S. I. (1990). Language in Thought and Action. (5th ed. ). Boston, MA: Thomson Wadsworth. Hofstede, G. (1984). Culture’s Consequences. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications. Nelson, T. (2009). Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Psychology Press, New York, N. Y. Retrieved March 21, 2011, from http://books. google. com/books? id=J1qeQ T4bkX0C&pg=PA499&lpg=PA499&dq=abstraction+and+prejudice&sourc.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Martin Luther King Letter from Jail Essay

Martin Luther king believes that the only way to wipe away the injustices experienced within Birmingham City was through holding peaceful negotiations in order to resolve the issues amicably. In the article, â€Å"Ways of Meeting Oppression† by Martin Luther King Jr, tries to bring out Injustices and Oppression, which have been prevalent issues within our society. He believed that black Americans could win equal rights by peaceful means such as peaceful boycotts and marches. He always reminded Americans that their nation’s principles were justice, freedom and equality. Luther King’s argument for non-violent protest against the greater good of human beings may be the disobedience by the authorities, but as Erich Fronmon states in his essay â€Å"Disobedience is a psychological and Moral Problem†, that any act of disobedience against any inhuman law state is morally correct and is for the betterment of the human kind. In his speech â€Å"I have a dream†, He says that his nation will rise up to the true meaning of its creed†¦that all men treated equally. He believed that his children will live to the expectation of his dreams and that equality, both the white people and the black people would exercise fairness and justice. In Martin Luther King message â€Å"Struggle for Equality† in 1963 , he shared his dream of equality with the white Americans , like many other black American he was not treated properly they were forced to use separate al black schools, restaurants and stores. They had different entrances for the black people and certain parts of the nation denied the right to vote. Thus, the placing of laws was for the arising conditions, People needed awareness of such needs. Peaceful negotiations and boycotts held by Martin Luther and his staff paved way for the rapidly gained equality in their rights. In the letter to Birmingham jail, racial and education segregation are undermining goals to the hate inflicted upon the African American community. In the speech at the Great March on Detroit in 23 June 1963, held in Washington, King expound upon making â€Å"the American Dream a reality†. Following the letter from Birmingham jail he said that,† the Negro is no longer willing to accept racial segregation in any of its dimensions.† He considered segregation as wrong because it was a system of adultery, perpetuated by illicit intercourse between injustice and immorality. Educational segregation was one of the key issues that affected not only societal segregation in general but also the lives of the lives of the many black Americans. Most black schools were n’t funded well and as result, there was poor education among the students. This finally translated into the black people acquiring the worst jobs hence unable to afford the decent housing acquired by the white Americans. He continued struggling against segregation and with his aim, he went to Alabama and Birmingham city to watch the injustice practiced there. In order to conclude the many civil rights protest boycotts and demonstrations, there was reinforcement on segregation issues to those aware of it. Eventually it leads to the abolishment of segregation as law and through time changing racist attitudes altogether (Mendoza). In conclusion, the unjust law not only has inflicted pain and anguish among the black Americans but also but compelled them to total misery. Racial discrimination, hatred and education segregation are spring folds of the injustice practiced.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Complete Ramsey Walker’s profit plan Essay

Work assumption: 1. Assume that the sales will increase by 10% for each new title, as indicated the Backlist sales increase. 2. Assume that the total number of new titles remain unchanged; since Ramsey is trying to publish fewer segments and focus more resources on trying to publish fewer segments and focus more resources on differentiation those books in the marketplace, there is no reason for him increase the new titles. 3. Assume that they plan to increase their gross margin by 2% and decrease the expenses of sales by 1%, for each of the six formats, as given for Backlist. 4. Assume that AR as the percentage of sales remains 20%, as indicated by Backlist. 5. Assume that inventory as the percentage of sales decrease by 15%, as indicated by Backlist. 6. Assume that AP as the percentage of sales will stretch to 20%, as the last year percentage for the first five formats is 18%. The 10% increase in sales, 2% increase in GM and 1% decrease in expenses should be critical since it will increase the profit dramatically. And the decrease in inventory is also critical because it will decrease the lower part of the ROA formula. Since the overall goal of the profit plan is to achieve the 10% increase in ROA, so the above assumptions will directly affect the end results. Problem 2: Review the list of financial performance measure presented above. What measures or calculations should Ramsey use to manage the business? How should those measures be calculated? 1. Annual sales growth rate should be used to measure their performance  because this rate helps management to evaluate the quality of their decisions and also helps to make the new strategy for the future development. It is calculated by suing the difference between current year sales and previous years divided by the previous year sales. 2. Profit % is the most critical measurement of a business performance. Without profit or potential to earn profit in the future there is no meaning for a business to continue. It is simply calculated by using profit divided by the sales. 3. Average unit sales help the company to find the right format which is more profitable and more popular, and affect the company’s future strategies. Using the total units sold for one format divided by the total titles in this format. 4. Operating expenses can help them to manage their cost control system, OP can be calculated simply sum up all the expenses in the income statement. 5. POA and ROI are hard to control and too complex to analyze. But these measurements can be calculated by dividing the profit by total asset or total investment respectively, different results can be achieved by suing different assumptions. Picture Photo B & W Nonfiction Fiction Backlist Income Statement Number of New Titles 5 3 1 7 7 0 Sales 426,933.10 122,314.00 50,589.73 218,156.40 256,171.30 1,200,000.00 COGS 127,672.00 39,591.50 19,644.67 63,200.00 71,302.00 384,000.00 Royalties 58,218.00 16,679.00 6,898.67 29,749.00 34,933.50 180,000.00 Gross Margin % 56% 54% 48% 57% 59% 53% Expenses % of the sales 53% 54% 54% 54% 54% 47% Expenses 226,584.30 66,049.53 27,318.39 117,804.10 138,333.20 564,000.00 New Income 14,458.83 -6.083 -3,271.99 7,403.34 11,602.61 72,000.00 Balance sheet – May 31, 1998 Current Assets Inventory 39,892.20 40,119.15 10,933.55 36,187.90 65,747.50 500,000.00 A/R as % of Sales (projected) 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% A/R $ 85,386.62 24,462.79 10,117.95 43,631.28 51,234.26 240,000.00 Total current Assets 125,278.80 64,581.94 21,051.50 79,819.18 116,981.76 740,000.00 Current Liabilities A/P as % of Sales 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 0 A/P $ 85,386.62 24,462.79 10,117.95 43,631.28 51,234.26 0 Royalties Payable 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total current Liabilities 85,386.62 24,462.79 10,117.95 43,631.28 51,234.26 Free Cash Flow (= Net Income +/- Change in Net Working Capital) Net Income 14,458.83 -6.08 -3,271.99 7,403.34 11,602.61 72,000.00 Change in Net Working Capital 39,892.20 40,119.15 10,933.55 36,187.90 65,747.50 Free Cash Flow 54,351.03 -40,125.23 7,661.56 43,591.24 77,350.11 72,000.00